Sunday 15 September 2013

First days in Lusaka

After a 7 hour flight from Dubai, I arrived in Lusaka.  First impression is looks very much like the Caribbean.  Similar climate, similar looking people and similar infrastructure.  Just missing the fancy resorts.  The airport was basic - walk across the tarmac style - and after paying my $80 for a dual entry visa, I picked up my bags and headed outside where Kat was waiting for me!  It was so awesome to be met by a familiar face.  She had the taxi drive that Care hires for her, Issac, with her and we hopped in his Toyota and headed the half hour drive to our place, Shakespeare Court.  The usual signs of developing country were present - hot and sunny, diesel clouds billowing from huge trucks, many dirt roads and small shacks and people walking down the road everywhere!
The shoulders of the roads are just dirt, and it is red, like PEI.  So red dust kind of infiltrates everything you have on when you walk anywhere, which we generally do.
It made it so easy on me having Kat already here, knowing her way around and having some contacts.  She took me grocery shopping for basic provisions at the Spar grocery store which is literally next door and I began settling in.  More to come...

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