Monday 16 September 2013

First weekend

It was great to arrive on a Friday, so I had the weekend to figure stuff out and get organized.
Groceries: The store that is a 1 minute walk from Shakespeare Court is a small-ish grocery store, which has a little bit of everything, including a good selection of mostly South African wine and various beers.  The Zambian beer is callied Mosi ("as powerful as the Mosi-Ao-Tunya" - that is the Zambian name for Victoria Falls), other brands are Windhoek (Namibian) and Castle (South African).  I got some Mosi and some Windhoek.  The "mall" (think outdoor plaza) also has a small electronics store, a post office, two banks and a pharmacy.  The cuts of meat are pretty sparse, which is why the beef shopping will now take place at "Zambeef", although the recent formaldehyde scandal is a bit of a deterrent...
On Saturday we practiced walking to work (we have a taxi arranged for us, but can walk it in about 30 mins).  There are SO many people walking everwhere, or alternatively jumping into "buses" which are really rather old minivans with about 17 people crammed into them.  I asked our driver today what they called those buses and he said "public transport".  There is no paved or gravel shoulder at all, so one walks in the red dirt along the shoulder and your shoes are pretty much red in 5 minutes.
On Sunday, we took a taxi to a big shopping plaza called Arcades, which has a Sunday craft market, so we could start our bartering practice.  I love bartering, so that's fun.  I bought a couple of batik paintings and a Zambian soccer shirt - Go Chipolopolos.

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